Saturday, 13 January 2018

8 A Short Christmas Post

This was a short video made on Christmas Eve but I forgot to post it. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas holiday! The next video should be early in the new year.


  1. Hello Mr Ross how is it like in the Falkland islands? Over here it is snowing a lot I liked it when you smacked the fly when you were looking through the bag. I hope you keep making more good videos.
    By Noah

  2. Hi Noah,
    I have been hearing about the snow from my family. It sounds fun. Over here it is sunny almost every day at the minute, often with rain for a small part of the day.
    I'll try to make another video for you all soon.
    All the best!

  3. Hello mr ross are you enjoying the falkland islands? i have been enjoying your videos make shure to make some more.
    by Iestyn craig

    1. Hello!
      I am enjoying it very much thanks. It is not so different to Orkney, but it is nice to explore a new place.
      I will aim to make another video for you all soon :)

  4. i liked it when you went to kidney island to see the penguins it sounded weird because penguins don't normally dig holes do they?.The tusick was bigger then you.


    1. There is one type of penguin here that lives in a burrow called the Magellanic penguin. The other types live above ground.
      The tussac was very tall right enough!
      Hope you are well.
