Sunday, 12 November 2017

7- Beach Stuff and Bag the Bruck

Hello all.

I am watching Blue Planet II and there is a clown fish playing with an old plastic bottle. It got me thinking of Bag the Bruck and the beaches here in Falkland Islands. This term my class will be learning about natural habitats and we will be talking about the effect of pollution and in particular plastic on the environment and the oceans.

The beaches here are quite different to home. They tend to vary depending on their location and the tides. Some beaches are pristine and you see no human waste whatsoever. Other beaches particularly those around towns and settlements can be quite messy just like we see at home.

I thought I would show you some of the items which I have found in the hills and on the beaches here, especially things that we would not find at home. I have picked up lots of sea glass and lots of driftwood. I do not know if that is because there is more of it here or because people are less interested in collecting it than they are in Orkney.

Have a great week!

This is a whale bone which my friend was kind enough to give me.

I think this is a penguin skull from a Gentoo penguin.

There are shells here but they tend to be quite small.

Another whale bone!

These bullets come from the hills around the town. Some are blank practice rounds but some have been fired and those ones probably date from the war 35 years ago.

There is a lot of sea glass here and a lot of it has writing on it.

I always pick up the pieces that say Scotland. Presumably these are whiskey bottles.

I like to pick up lots of driftwood, both big and small.

This little fishing weight caught my interest. There is often waste plastic on beaches, just like we see on our beaches at home. 

There is lots of very old black glass on beaches here. This bottle will be well over 100 years old.

These bullets probably come from the war 35 years ago. There are lots of these in the hills just a ten minute walk from my house.

I think this is the remains of an Argentine helmet from the war. I found it on a beach. I took it home because I didn't think it would last too much longer getting smashed up by the waves.


  1. I liked seeing all the things you found. Are any of the things you found valuable in any way? I like how you got two whale bones, they are cool to see.
    Archie Glaitness Class 6/7

    1. Hi Archie,
      I don't think any of it is worth much, it is probably worth most to me because I remember where and when I found it.
      I hope you are well, Mr Ross

    2. Hi thank you for replying. Is the weather different to Orkney in winter because the Falklands are in the southern hemisphere and Orkney is in the Northern Hemisphere. Hope you find more things on the beaches.

      Archie Class 6/7

  2. Hello Mr Ross thanks for sending all those pictures of interesting
    things that you found on the beach and in the hills. My top three favorite things were the whale bones the Argentine helmet and the penguin skull and if I had another choice I would say the shells. It was nice hearing from you again. Kiera p6/7

    1. Hopefully I will get another video done for you all this weekend!

  3. Wow! I didn't known you could find son much interesting stuff on just beaches and hills. Those whale bones are really big.

    1. Hi Kavan. Yes, it is exciting because there are things on the beaches here that we do not find at home. There are things like that at home too though, for example groatie buckies! I hope the Kynoch family are all well!

  4. Wow they look really cool, its interesting you found it at the beach the war helmet was the coolest it looks really worn and torn. if you had to pick your favorite thing you you found and why? From Alfie

    1. Hi Alfie, I think the whale bones are my favourite, because they are natural, and because they help remind just how big a whole whale must be. I like the glass with Scotland because it reminds of home but it is a bid sad just how much man made waste there is on the beaches!
      Best, Mr Ross

  5. hi Mr Ross this looks really cool. Love watching all of your of videos.This all looks really precious like the sea glass. Kirsty

    1. Glad you are enjoying them! I hope all is well at Glaitness.
      Mr Ross

  6. I liked the whale bone.

  7. cool helmet Mr Ross. how old do you think it is? Callum Fraser

    1. Hi Callum,
      If it is Argentinian, which I think it is, then it just over 35 years old. I know this because the war that happened here was 35 years ago, in 1982.
      I hope you are well, Mr Ross

  8. These are amazing Mr Ross! Hope you and your class enjoyed seeing these, I am sure everyone here did! Jenna

  9. hi Mr ross i like seeing the penguins its soooooooooo cooooooool
    wishyou the best of luck .katie
